GEORGE GROSZ (1893-1959) - Lot 33

Lot 33
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Estimation :
60000 - 80000 EUR
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Résultat : 78 000EUR
GEORGE GROSZ (1893-1959) - Lot 33
GEORGE GROSZ (1893-1959) Scène de cabaret, Berlin, circa 1925 Aquarelle sur papier. Signée en bas à droite. H_47 cm L_37 cm Bibliographie: - George Grosz, Drawings, watercolours & prints 1912-1930, Royal Academy of Arts, London, 1997 Oeuvre à rapprocher: Strasse in Berlin, 1922-1923 sous le n°115 - George Grosz, The Berlin years, Serge Sabarsky, Rissoli ed. NY, 1986 Oeuvre à rapprocher: Im wirtshaus, 1921 D'une collection privée "It's an old ploy of the bourgeoisie. They keep a standing art to defend their collapsing culture. The war was a mirror; it reflected man's every virtue and every vice, and if you looked closely, like an artist at his drawings, it showed up both with unusual clarity. I stood up as best I could to their disgusting stupidity and brutality, but I did not, of course, manage to beat them at their own game. It was a fight to the bitter end, one in which I was not defending ideals or beliefs but simply my own self". George Grosz
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